Post Covid 19

A very unstable time, but best left in the past…

The family luckily was spared the terrible tragic epidemic that was COVID, in more than one way. For those that suffered with loss of any kind. From our family to yours: “Our deepest sympathies and our thoughts and prayers go out to you.”

Now Post Covid

With the return to semi-normal world, many off us are waiting for “prices to normalize” or “people to trust” again. I begin to venture out into the world, with my bikes back on the car, and Golf Clubs in tow, I head to the great white north, “Summer” in FL is “HOTTTER” than “H__l”! I try to understand why in this world could such a thing as COVID Happen, but there is no understanding a cimyra

By r.scott.tomassetti

Retired Teacher and Wellness Profession IE: Exercise Scientist